better prepared for tropical storm season with a well-stocked Hurricane
Emergency Kit.
you live in a part of the country prone to hurricanes, having an emergency kit
available can save you and your family’s lives. Being aware of its necessity in
your home, vehicle, and workplace makes it so you’re never forced to face down
a tropical storm without being somewhat prepared. Rather than allow the
hurricane to be in control, you’re taking it upon yourself to determine the
course of your future. When it’s time to evacuate, there’s no hesitation
because you have everything you need for the next several days with you
wherever you go.
become better prepared for the Atlantic hurricane season, which lasts from June
1st through November 30th and picks up momentum in late August through
September, you should understand what items to include in your emergency kit.
It prevents you from being without essentials if you and your family must
evacuate because the danger level from a tropical storm remains high.
you’ll find suggestions for stocking your
emergency kit, places you can buy
hurricane supplies, and special considerations you’ll need to make for elderly,
disabled, and furry family members. By the time you’ve read through this guide
of hurricane kit emergency essentials, you’ll be ready to build your own.
Stocking Your Emergency Kit
After acquiring a waterproof bag or plastic box to store your
emergency kit contents in, you’ll want to start stocking it full of the things
you and your family need for survival. Although each person’s needs differ,
some of the more common items suggested by FEMA and other hurricane experts are listed
here for your consideration. Use your discretion when packing the bag or box
with items, so it doesn’t become too heavy to carry.
Some recommended items for your emergency kit include:
Other items you may want to have on hand for comfort purposes
are books, card games, stuffed animals, and blankets. These items help create a
sense of familiarity. Talking to children about what to do during a hurricane
helps them better prepare themselves in the event of an emergency because
they’re less scared of what may happen.
· If you’re the parent of small children, you’d be amazed at how calming comfort items are when kids are frightened. The things that you include in your bug-out bag or storage box does not need to be large to be effective. If you're mindful of the size and weight restrictions, look for miniature versions of larger favorites to keep inside the emergency kit. That way, you don’t feel compelled to remove them to entertain a child outside of an evacuation situation.
Where to Buy Supplies
There are many places to buy supplies to include in your
emergency hurricane kit. Big box retailers have almost all of the essentials
needed under one roof. Dollar stores provide deeply discounted goods that can
be used to supplement your kit on a budget. Online retailers such as Immense Batteries offer
more specific products meant for survival purposes. Wherever you choose to buy
your supplies, remember the value of a hard copy list that includes Immense
Alkaline batteries.
It allows you to replenish items that have since expired or were
used up during the last hurricane season. You’ll have the list to refer
to each time that you shop for hurricane supplies. Adding to it or
omitting items from it is as easy as writing them on the list or crossing them
off. Making it a point to check a stocked hurricane kit for expired and
missing supplies regularly makes it so you’re never without the essentials in
the event of turbulent weather.
Consider the Needs of All Your Family Members Including the
Furry Ones
Prepare for the worst and expect the best is a good philosophy
to follow. It’s the responsible way of preparing yourself and your family for a
tropical storm. Spend some time this year preparing a large emergency kit
equipped with the things that your family requires most during their time of
need, such as Alkaline batteries.
Consider each family member’s individual needs, so you’re able to address them
with the contents you’ve included.
If anyone in your family is elderly or has a disability, medical
devices could significantly help their well-being. Consider the items that make
them more mobile. Include these items in the trunk of your vehicle as you
prepare to leave your home in pursuit of safety.
· If you have pets, you’ll want to include food, water, medication, and leashes for them. Take current photos of the animals and place them on a flash drive along with vaccination, a list of prescribed medicine, and microchip information. If you become separated from your pets because they’ve gotten spooked by the chaos of a hurricane, you’ll be able to be reunited with them quicker.